Yearly Archive: 2008


(Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport — Ten minutes ago) I couldn’t tell if the family in front of us was Amish, Mennonite, or some funk southern combination of the two. The wife was dressed in traditional...

Otis resolved

I don’t like New Year’s resolutions. I think they are a product of the overly-ambitious and the generally lazy. The grand promises are lip service to self betterment that are usually forgotten by the...

Now with an ascot!

Saturday night, I grabbed my iPod and set about chopping up onions and jalapenos while listening to a friend tell me stories. He told me one take about an evil Eastern European woman who...

Deconstructing the deconstructed

I’ve recently been in communication with someone who knows somebody I used to know. Yeah, that’s vague, but I don’t see any reason to further beat somebody while he’s down, so there’s no reason...

The 500 Club Redux

Quite a few of you submitted your choices for your own personal 500 Club, so I guess it’s only fair that I pass on the original list. You can click on the link to...

The 500 Club

Admittedly, we’d had a couple of cocktails. After a gathering of friends for a neighborhood Christmas parade last night, G-Rob, T and I went out for a bite of sushi and a few drinks....

Pardon our mess

Last summer, the family and I drove up the mountain to Caesars Head. It’s little more than an outcropping of rock in Blue Ridge Mountains that looks vaguely like a face, but it’s a...

Time for some time

The more and more I read comments, e-mails, and the like, it’s become clear I need a few days to get my head together. The time I spend online is time I enjoy, but...